.2023-24 Plus One Admission Trail Allotment Result പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിച്ചു.


Mid Day Meal Scheme 2013-14 - DPI Circular
Noon Meal Programme NMP-1 
Noon Meal Programme all Vouchers and NMP Form 

Mid Day Meal Scheme   Write-Up | Presentation
Noon Meal Ensuring hygiene - regarding  

Noon Meal Programme -school level Entry forms - Annual Form - Monthly Form  - Health Form - www.trgmdm.nic.in 

Noon Feeidng Committee Report -MS Office Word & pdf format
Noon meal Audit Records Needs to be Produced-Help Note

Noon Meal Programme -Monthly Data  - Annual Data - Health Data

Mid Day Meal Scheme (Noon-meal) - One day workshop @Thrissur & visit of central team on Jan. 30 & 31 - Very importantletter   

Onam 2011 -Festival allowance to noon-meal cook @Rs.650_Govt. Order 

Mid Day Meal Scheme - Minimum wage of cook enhanced toRs.150/- - Order

MidDay Meal Scheme- DPI's Instructions 2011-12

MIDDAY MEAL SCHEME - Detailed Guidelines based on DPI's Circulars

MDMS@ Schools- What to do in case of complaints regarding food stuffs

Voucher of  Condiments( ഈ ഫയല്‍ MS WORD ആയതിനാല്‍ എഡിറ്റ്‌ ചെയ്തു  മാറ്റം വരുത്താം)

Voucher of Cooking& Firewood( ഈ ഫയല്‍ MS WORD ആയതിനാല്‍ എഡിറ്റ്‌ ചെയ്തു  മാറ്റം വരുത്താം)

Voucher of Eggs( ഈ ഫയല്‍ MS WORD ആയതിനാല്‍ എഡിറ്റ്‌ ചെയ്തു  മാറ്റം വരുത്താം)

ഉച്ചഭക്ഷണം -Entry Form

Milk distribution statement

Special rice to school children @ 6 Kg per pupil – DPI Circular

MDMS Vouchers shall be returned to Schools

Mid Day Meal Scheme - Establishing a Grievance Redressal Mechanism -  Order - G.O.(Ms) No.10/11/G.Edn  dated 19.01.11

Special rice to school children @ 6 Kg per pupil - June 2012 - DPI Circular 

MDMS @ Schools 2012-13 - To be started on 04-06-2012 - DPI Email 

Noonmeal programme new circular from AEO 2012-13

NMP proforma 2012-2013

NMP  for class details 2012-2013

New online Management software for Mid Day Meal scheme Web site  |School User

Mid Day Meal - Revised Norms
AEO NOONMEAL detailed CIRCULAR 2011-12




NMP-1 FORM 2011-12  ,Form K2 2011-12 ,  NM VOUCHER 2011-12

How to login MDMS  Software   | How to Enter Annual Data

MDMS Pulse to school-foe july 2012 only
Mid Day Meal Scheme 2012-13 Circular

Mid Day Meal Scheme -Video  

Noon Meal Programme all Vouchers and NMP form 

 Festival Allowance to NM Cooks and Resource Teachers

Onam : Special Rice 5kg for the students under Mid Day Meal Scheme

Revised Contingent Charges-NMP

Mid day Meal scheme - New Circular

Mid Day Meal to Preprimary

Mid Day Meal Scheme Contingent Charge clarification - DPI Circular

Financial Assistance to Children with Special Needs (CWSN) in classes IX to XII (including VHSE) –


MDMS - Vouchers shall be returned to schools - DPICircular   

Noon Meal - Observing cleanliness as per Food Safety Act - Guidelines 

Noon Meal - Hiring Vehicles for monitoring the system

School Mid-Day Meal - Rules and Regulations under Food Safety and Standards Act 
Guidelines for Mid-Day Meal SchemeMedical Fitness Certificate Format | Application from for Registration and Renewal [English/Malayalam]
Application for Registraion/Removal of registraion under Food safety and Standards Act
Performa For Medical Fitness Certificate For Food Handlers

Noon Meal - Contigency - Allowing Fund - Regarding

Noon Meal Programme 2014-15Circular 

Mid Day Meal-Annual Form

Mid Day Meal -Monthly Form

Mid Day Meal -Health Form

Onam - 5kg Special Rice to students enrolled in noon meal programme

Noon Meal Utilisation Certificate submitting -Circular & Format

Noon Meal- Kitchen cum Store purchase - Guidelines 

Noon Meal Supervisory Post - Govt Letter to DPI Lr.No.57068D/12013G.Edn Dt. 07/01/2015 

Mid-Day Meal - Instructions for the Year 2015-16

Duties and powers of noonmeal officer

Enhancement of wages- Noonmeal cooks

Noon Meal Cooking Charges Enhanced-Revised Order

Noon Feeding Committee  Minutes - Proforma  

Noon Feeding Menu List

Noon Meal Programme all Vouchers and NMP form 

Noon Meal Cooks Wages Revised-Circular 

Noon Meal - the presence of parents at the time of serving - Instructions

പാചക തൊഴിലാളികളുടെ വേതനം ബാങ്ക് അക്കൗണ്ട്‌ മുഖേന  -Circular

Clarification on Revised Wages of Noon Meal Cooks

Noon Meal-Presence of PTA/SMC Members at the time of Serving Food

Noon Meal Cooks Wages Revised-Circular

Format to collect data for "Annual Expenditure Statement of Noon Feeding"

MDMS All Vouchers

MDMS Menu Format

MDMS Budget Format

ധന വിനിയോഗ പത്രം

School Noon Meal Scheme Project 2016 -17

Noon Feeding Format 

Noon Feeding Planner 1.7 : Cooking Charge 350 to 400

Noon Feeding Planner 1.6 : Cooking Charge 200 to 250

Noon Meal  Application  Form